Non ho più paura

I used to think death was the end
But that was before
I’m not scared anymore

Dream Theater
Where did we come from?
Why are we here?
Where do we go when we die?
What lies beyond
And what lay before?
Is anything certain in life?They say, life is too short
The here and the now
And you're only given one shot
But could there be more
Have I lived before
Or could this be all that we've got?If I die tomorrow
I'd be all right
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries onI used to be frightened of dying
I used to think death was the end
But that was before
I'm not scared anymore
I know that my soul will transcendI may never find all the answers
I may never understand why
I may never prove
What I know to be true
But I know that I still have to tryIf I die tomorrow
I'd be alright
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries onMove on, be brave
Don't weep at my grave
Because I am no longer here
But please never let
Your memory of me disappearSafe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
My questioning mind
Has helped me to find
The meaning in my life again
Victoria's real
I finally feel
At peace with the girl in my dreams
And now that I'm here
It's perfectly clear
I found out what all of this meansIf I die tomorrow
I'd be alright
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on

Fuori dal coro

Fuori dal coro dico
che la più grande battaglia della nostra epoca è quella che combattiamo contro l’ego.
Abbiamo sempre questo spasmodico bisogno di riempirlo .
Ignorando che è proprio lui la principale causa dei nostri malesseri .
E i social non fanno altro che amplificare tutto questo .
Ricevere un complimento sulla tua immagine sul web non aggiunge alcun valore alla persona ( le cui qualità continuano a rimanere sconosciute ai più che ti mettono il tanto sospirato like )

La più grande battaglia della nostra epoca è quella che combattiamo contro l’ego


La parola ego significa “ io”. Rappresenta la coscienza di chi siamo . È quello che facciamo che definisce chi siamo . Riempire l ego con ciò che facciamo è positivo .
Questo ego positivo è minato costantemente dal bisogno di approvazione virtuale .
Normalmente una persona non va in giro fermando sconosciuti e chiedendogli se a 50 anni è ancora figo, o se piace la nuova maglietta attillata.

Sarebbe strano .. e comunque inutile . Gli uomini e le donne per noi belli (anche quando non lo sono esteticamente) si riconoscono quasi chimicamente. A volte è un semplice sorriso.
L’autostima è quindi costantemente minata sul web se ci si propone con un aspetto superficiale come l’immagine .
Alimentando il bisogno di pubblicare sempre più immagini . Alimentiamo il bisogno di sentirci degli “influencer”, che poi tra filtri, ciglia finte, pose strategiche, grand’angoli non siamo neanche noi ma una proiezione di noi, a volte una caricatura.

L’uomo e la donna hanno dei bisogni . Il bisogno nasce da una mancanza.

Se una persona pubblica 5 /6 foto di sè tutte in fila chiedendo approvazione .. è perché ne ha bisogno .. quindi manca. Manca autostima appunto . E ha bisogno del consenso .
Da qui nascono selfie in tutte le pose , tag a posti dove non si è nemmeno stati , foto con amici a significare una vita mondana anche quando invece sono le persone più sole del mondo: l’ego vero si nutre di verità . Per quanto imperfetti e poco piacevoli possiamo essere … quanto è bella la verità !!!

Ma questo è un altro discorso ..

Linux Name spaces

Namespaces in Linux are heavily used by many applications, e.g. LXC, Docker and Openstack.
Question: How to find all existing namespaces in a Linux system?

The answer is quite difficult, because it’s easy to hide a namespace or more exactly make it difficult to find them.

Exploring the system

In the basic/default setup Ubuntu 12.04 and higher provide namespaces for

  • ipc for IPC objects and POSIX message queues
  • mnt for filesystem mountpoints
  • net for network abstraction (VRF)
  • pid to provide a separated, isolated process ID number space
  • uts to isolate two system identifiers — nodename and domainname – to be used by uname

These namespaces are shown for every process in the system. if you execute as rootls -lai /proc/1/nsShell

ls -lai /proc/1/ns
60073292 dr-x--x--x 2 root root 0 Dec 15 18:23 .
   10395 dr-xr-xr-x 9 root root 0 Dec  4 11:07 ..
60073293 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 18:23 ipc -> ipc:[4026531839]
60073294 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 18:23 mnt -> mnt:[4026531840]
60073295 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 18:23 net -> net:[4026531968]
60073296 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 18:23 pid -> pid:[4026531836]
60073297 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 18:23 uts -> uts:[4026531838]

you get the list of attached namespaces of the init process using PID=1. Even this process has attached namespaces. These are the default namespaces for ipc, mnt, net, pid and uts. For example, the default net namespace is using the ID net:[4026531968]. The number in the brackets is a inode number.

In order to find other namespaces with attached processes in the system, we use these entries of the PID=1 as a reference. Any process or thread in the system, which has not the same namespace ID as PID=1 is not belonging to the DEFAULT namespace.

Additionally, you find the namespaces created by „ip netns add <NAME>“ by default in /var/run/netns/ .

The python code

The python code below is listing all non default namespaces in a system. The program flow is

  • Get the reference namespaces from the init process (PID=1). Assumption: PID=1 is assigned to the default namespaces supported by the system
  • Loop through /var/run/netns/ and add the entries to the list
  • Loop through /proc/ over all PIDs and look for entries in /proc/<PID>/ns/ which are not the same as for PID=1 and add then to the list
  • Print the result

List all non default namespaces in a systemPython

# List all Namespaces (works for Ubuntu 12.04 and higher)
# (C) Ralf Trezeciak    2013-2014
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import os
import fnmatch
if os.geteuid() != 0:
    print "This script must be run as root\nBye"
def getinode( pid , type):
    link = '/proc/' + pid + '/ns/' + type
    ret = ''
        ret = os.readlink( link )
    except OSError as e:
        ret = ''
    return ret
# get the running command
def getcmd( p ):
        cmd = open(os.path.join('/proc', p, 'cmdline'), 'rb').read()
        if cmd == '':
            cmd = open(os.path.join('/proc', p, 'comm'), 'rb').read()
        cmd = cmd.replace('\x00' , ' ')
        cmd = cmd.replace('\n' , ' ')
        return cmd
        return ''
# look for docker parents
def getpcmd( p ):
        f = '/proc/' + p + '/stat'
        arr = open( f, 'rb').read().split()
        cmd = getcmd( arr[3] )
        if cmd.startswith( '/usr/bin/docker' ):
            return 'docker'
    return ''
# get the namespaces of PID=1
# assumption: these are the namespaces supported by the system
nslist = os.listdir('/proc/1/ns/')
if len(nslist) == 0:
    print 'No Namespaces found for PID=1'
#print nslist
# get the inodes used for PID=1
baseinode = []
for x in nslist:
    baseinode.append( getinode( '1' , x ) )
#print "Default namespaces: " , baseinode
err = 0
ns = []
ipnlist = []
# loop over the network namespaces created using "ip"
    netns = os.listdir('/var/run/netns/')
    for p in netns:
        fd = '/var/run/netns/' + p, os.O_RDONLY )
        info = os.fstat(fd)
        os.close( fd)
        ns.append( '-- net:[' + str(info.st_ino) + '] created by ip netns add ' + p )
        ipnlist.append( 'net:[' + str(info.st_ino) + ']' )
    # might fail if no network namespaces are existing
# walk through all pids and list diffs
pidlist = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir('/proc/'), '[0123456789]*')
#print pidlist
for p in pidlist:
        pnslist = os.listdir('/proc/' + p + '/ns/')
        for x in pnslist:
            i = getinode ( p , x )
            if i != '' and i not in baseinode:
                cmd = getcmd( p )
                pcmd = getpcmd( p )
                if pcmd != '':
                    cmd = '[' + pcmd + '] ' + cmd
                tag = ''
                if i in ipnlist:
                ns.append( p + ' ' + i + tag + ' ' + cmd)
        # might happen if a pid is destroyed during list processing
# print the stuff
print '{0:>10}  {1:20}  {2}'.format('PID','Namespace','Thread/Command')
for e in ns:
    x = e.split( ' ' , 2 )
    print '{0:>10}  {1:20}  {2}'.format(x[0],x[1],x[2][:60])

Copy the script to your system as , and run it as root using python

       PID  Namespace             Thread/Command
        --  net:[4026533172]      created by ip netns add qrouter-c33ffc14-dbc2-4730-b787-4747
        --  net:[4026533112]      created by ip netns add qrouter-5a691ed3-f6d3-4346-891a-3b59
        --  net:[4026533050]      created by ip netns add qdhcp-02e848cb-72d0-49df-8592-2f7a03
        --  net:[4026532992]      created by ip netns add qdhcp-47cfcdef-2b34-43b8-a504-6720e5
       297  mnt:[4026531856]      kdevtmpfs 
      3429  net:[4026533050]**    dnsmasq --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --bind-interfa
      3429  mnt:[4026533108]      dnsmasq --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --bind-interfa
      3446  net:[4026532992]**    dnsmasq --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --bind-interfa
      3446  mnt:[4026533109]      dnsmasq --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --bind-interfa
      3486  net:[4026533050]**    /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy --pid_fil
      3486  mnt:[4026533107]      /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy --pid_fil
      3499  net:[4026532992]**    /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy --pid_fil
      3499  mnt:[4026533110]      /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy --pid_fil
      4117  net:[4026533112]**    /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy --pid_fil
      4117  mnt:[4026533169]      /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy --pid_fil
     41998  net:[4026533172]**    /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy --pid_fil
     41998  mnt:[4026533229]      /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy --pid_fil

The example above is from an Openstack network node. The first four entries are entries created using the command ip. The entry PID=297 is a kernel thread and no user process. All other processes listed, are started by Openstack agents. These process are using network and mount namespaces. PID entries marked with ‚**‘ have a corresponding entry created with the ip command.

When a docker command is started, the output is:

PID  Namespace             Thread/Command
        --  net:[4026532676]      created by ip netns add test
        35  mnt:[4026531856]      kdevtmpfs 
      6189  net:[4026532585]      [docker] /bin/bash 
      6189  uts:[4026532581]      [docker] /bin/bash 
      6189  ipc:[4026532582]      [docker] /bin/bash 
      6189  pid:[4026532583]      [docker] /bin/bash 
      6189  mnt:[4026532580]      [docker] /bin/bash 

The docker child running in the namespaces is marked using [docker].

On a node running mininet and a simple network setup the output looks like :

       PID  Namespace             Thread/Command
        14  mnt:[4026531856]      kdevtmpfs 
      1198  net:[4026532150]      bash -ms mininet:h1 
      1199  net:[4026532201]      bash -ms mininet:h2 
      1202  net:[4026532252]      bash -ms mininet:h3 
      1203  net:[4026532303]      bash -ms mininet:h4

Googles Chrome Browser

Googles Chrome Browser makes extensive use of the linux namespaces. Start Chrome and run the python script. The output looks like:Chrome’s namespaces

 PID  Namespace             Thread/Command
        63  mnt:[4026531856]      kdevtmpfs 
     30747  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=zygote 
     30747  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=zygote 
     30753  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/nacl_helper 
     30753  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/nacl_helper 
     30754  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=zygote 
     30754  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=zygote 
     30801  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30801  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30807  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30807  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30813  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30813  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30820  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30820  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30829  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30829  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30835  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30835  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30841  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30841  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30887  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30887  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30893  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30893  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30901  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30901  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30910  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30910  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30915  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30915  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30923  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30923  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30933  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30933  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30938  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30938  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30944  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     30944  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     31271  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     31271  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     31538  net:[4026532344]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for
     31538  pid:[4026532337]      /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US --for

Chrome makes use of pid and network namespaces to restrict the access of subcomponents. The network namespace does not have a link in /var/run/netns/.


It’s quite hard to explore the Linux namespace. There is a lot of documentation flowing around. I did not find any simple program to look for namespaces in the system. So I wrote one.

The script cannot find a network namespace, which do not have any process attached to AND which has no reference in /var/run/netns/. If root creates the reference inode somewhere else in the filesystem, you may only detect network ports (ovs port, veth port on one side), which are not attached to a known network namespace –> an unknown guest might be on your system using a „hidden“ (not so easy to find) network namespace.

And — Linux namespaces can be stacked.

Per te (per me)

Qualunque fiore tu sia, quando verrà il tuo tempo, sboccerai. Prima di allora una lunga e fredda notte potrà passare. Anche dai sogni della notte trarrai forza e nutrimento. Perciò sii paziente verso quanto ti accade e curati e amati senza paragonarti o voler essere un altro fiore, perché non esiste fiore migliore di quello che si apre nella pienezza di ciò che è. E quando ciò accadrà, potrai scoprire che andavi sognando di essere un fiore che aveva da fiorire.“ —  Daisaku Ikeda